Sunday, November 25, 2007

Curls Sans Curling Iron

I would like to dedicate this post to my friend Carolyn. I hope you are still reading my blog even when there is a blog famine. These are rag-rolled curls! My clever niece showed me how to use a hairbrush so that the curls all end up the same size. I our case, we used our Pampered Chef whisk. Addie loves girlie things so it's a good thing we learned how to do these.


Carolyn said...

Oooo, when I saw my name, my heart skipped a beat. I feel so special! I don't know how to do these and Addie looks so cute. I love how it turned out, you are going to have to teach me someday when we are finally reunited.

Aaron Waite said...

My Lisa, how the tables have turned. Now you are the master.